Looking for a way to challenge your friends and discover more about them? A party game like “Would You Rather” is a great way to have fun, get people talking and thinking, and reveal sides of friends you never knew.
This classic game has been around for centuries and is a great way to unite people for a night of friendly competition. Whether it’s a birthday party, family gathering, or game night with friends, “Would You Rather” will be a hit!
Want to be entertained for hours on end!? Prepare for a wild night with our ultimate guide to the hilarious “Would You Rather” game!
How to play “Would You Rather”
“Would You Rather” is simple and easy to play. To begin, ensure you have at least two people (the more, the better). Then, choose a player to start and decide which direction the game will go — clockwise or counterclockwise.
Each player takes turns coming up with a question that begins with “Would you rather…”. For example, “Would You Rather be a millionaire or have the ability to read minds?”
One at a time, each player must pick between one of the two options. You can’t pick both or neither! After everyone has made their decision, the next player goes next.
The game can go on as long as you want it to! And to make it more fun, you can even have players explain why they chose their answer. This makes the game more interactive and allows players to understand each other’s personalities better.
“Would You Rather” video guide
Try “Would You Rather” to dive into meaningful conversations! Here can you find our video guide on how to play the game:
Play “Would You Rather” online
If you’re looking for new and exciting questions to ask, we’ve got you covered! Generating questions has never been more straightforward with our online version of the “Would You Rather” game.
We have many questions that will spark hours of fun conversations. From family-friendly questions to deep, philosophical ones — and even some that are just downright weird — we have something for everyone.
Meaningful “Would You Rather” questions

“Would You Rather” isn’t just a game of random, silly questions! It can be a powerful tool to help you gain insight into yourself and others. Here are some thoughtful questions to get you started:
1. Would you rather have the power to manipulate people’s emotions or have the ability to control their actions?
Either can be helpful!
2. Would you rather be able to speak to the dead or travel to different dimensions?
The power to bring some closure to people’s lives or explore new and exciting worlds?
3. Would you rather have the ability to teleport but never be able to bring anything with you or have the power to fly but only at walking speed?
This one is a toughie! Will you take the speedy option or opt for a leisurely bird’s eye view?
4. Would you rather live in a world without emotions or logic?
Do you like to listen to your heart or make decisions based on facts and logic?
5. Would you rather have the power to stop time or the power to reverse time?
This one’s like a time traveler’s dream.
6. Would you rather live in a world where everyone can read your mind or no one can understand you?
Ready to be completely understood or able to keep all your thoughts to yourself?
7. Would you rather be able to talk to ghosts but not interact with the living or see the future but not be able to change it?
You’re powerless either way!
8. Would you rather be able to control animals or have the power of telepathy?
A tough call, that one!
9. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or survive in space without a spacesuit?
What unique experiences await you?
10. Would you rather be able to talk to your future self or your past self?
Ah, the dilemma of talking to yourself!
11. Would you rather have the power to manipulate dreams or control nightmares?
What would you do with such power?
12. Would you rather be able to communicate with aliens or be able to travel to other planets?
Be an intergalactic ambassador and explore the great unknown!
13. Would you rather live without internet access or air conditioning/heating?
Ah, the age-old debate of comfort vs. connectivity is a classic.
14. Would you rather be remembered for your wealth or your kindness?
Be remembered for your wealth or leave a legacy of kindness?
15. Would you rather have a job you love with low pay or a job you hate with a high income?
Get that bread, or follow your dreams? The decision is yours!
16. Would you rather be feared or loved?
Power or popularity?
17. Would you rather have the ability to heal others or to bring people back from the dead?
Your healing powers could be put to good use, or you can bring people back and give them a second chance at life.
18. Would you rather be rich and unhappy or poor and happy?
Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make life more comfortable.
19. Would you rather have the power to teleport or the power to time travel?
Be an interdimensional explorer or a modern-day Dr. Who?
20. Would you rather live without music or books?
Ah, the classic battle of aural versus literary!
21. Would you rather be a world-famous celebrity or an unknown hero?
Do you crave the limelight or prefer to remain anonymous?
22. Would you rather live in the city or the countryside?
The hustle and bustle of the city or the peace of the countryside?
23. Would you rather live in a world without art or science?
An impossible choice - which would you sacrifice?
24. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
Are you taking to the skies or mastering the art of stealth?
25. Would you rather have super strength or super speed?
The power to lift a car or the speed of lightning?
Thought-provoking “Would You Rather” questions

Make no mistake, “Would You Rather” isn’t just about fun and games - it can also be used to get people thinking about life, the universe, and everything in between. These questions will surely get your grey matter going, so think carefully before you answer!
1. Would you rather live in a world without pain or pleasure?
A world of pure numbness, or one with no highs and lows?
2. Would you rather be able to read minds or speak all languages?
The power of understanding or the power of communication?
3. Would you rather live in a world where there is no sadness or no happiness?
A world devoid of emotion or one with no absolute joy?
4. Would you rather be able to travel anywhere in time or in space?
Travel the stars or go back in time?
5. Would you rather have instant knowledge of all scientific facts or an instant understanding of all historical events?
Hey Einstein, what will it be?
6. Would you rather always know the truth or believe what you are told?
Trust, but verify, or take things at face value?
7. Would you rather be a genius in a world of ordinary people or an average person in a world of geniuses?
Rise above the crowd, or fit in with them?
8. Would you rather have the power to stop time or to reverse time?
Freeze time in its tracks or reverse the clock?
9. Would you rather live in a world where everyone tells the truth or everyone tells lies?
Trust, but verify or believe nothing is true?
10. Would you rather have the power to change the weather or control natural disasters?
Beat the heat or quell calamity?
11. Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere in the world or to travel through space?
Blink, and you’re there, or explore the stars?
12. Would you rather have the power to create life or the ability to destroy it?
Play God!
13. Would you rather be able to manipulate matter or energy?
Create or control?
14. Would you rather be able to speak directly to animals or plants?
Would you instead communicate with the animal kingdom or nurture the environment?
15. Would you rather be able to read people’s thoughts or control their decisions?
Know what they’re thinking or control their actions?
16. Would you rather have the superpower of flight or telekinesis?
Soar through the sky or move things with your mind?
17. Would you rather live in a world without technology or one without nature?
Go back in time or go wild?
18. Would you rather have the power to instantly heal any injury or illness or foresee future events accurately?
Heal the sick or see what lies ahead?
19. Would you rather have all your wishes come true, but you could never tell anyone about it, or be able to share your wishes with others but they would never come true?
Keep it all to yourself, or share the wealth?
20. Would you rather travel through time as an observer only, unable to interact with anything in the past and present, or be able to alter history by changing events that happen in different periods but never be able to witness them firsthand?
Change the course of history, or watch it unfold? The choice is yours!
21. Would you rather have absolute power but need someone to share it with, or be able to give out unlimited amounts of money but never benefit from it yourself?
Ruler of the world or provider of resources?
22. Would you rather have the power to make everyone like you or have the ability to control your destiny?
Hey, popularity contest or make it happen?
23. Would you rather have the power to see the future or the ability to change it?
Peer into events to come or shape your destiny?
24. Would you rather have the power to undo any mistake you make or the ability to never make a mistake in the first place?
Erase your missteps, or never make them at all?
25. Would you rather have the power to teleport anywhere or the power to stop time?
Decisions, decisions!
Insightful “Would You Rather” questions

While having fun is great, why not use these Would You Rather questions to get to the heart of what makes you who you are? Here are a few insightful Would You Rather questions to ponder:
1. Would you rather be understood or accepted?
Would you rather have people know your thoughts or embrace what makes you unique?
2. Would you rather give up comfort or security?
Choose between the security of familiarity or the risk of the unknown for a chance at true contentment.
3. Would you rather be deeply loved or widely admired?
Go for true intimacy, or bask in the approval of the public?
4. Would you rather know when you will die or how you will die?
The subject of death can be difficult to contemplate.
5. Would you rather be alone or surrounded by people who don’t understand you?
Find solace in solitude, or take the risk of being misunderstood?
6. Would you rather be free of all obligations or do whatever you want?
Be free of responsibility, or make all the choices?
7. Would you rather speak your mind and risk offending someone or stay silent and not be heard?
Openly express your truth, or keep it to yourself?
8. Would you rather have a few trustworthy friends or many acquaintances?
Go deep or go wide?
9. Would you rather follow your heart or use common sense?
Let your emotions lead the way, or stick to what’s practical.
10. Would you rather live without fear or regret?
Fear can be crippling, but regret can often linger.
11. Would you rather be content but never reach your full potential or be successful but always feel unfulfilled?
Choose between settling for less or striving for greatness.
12. Would you rather be able to control your own emotions or be able to read the feelings of others?
Control your feelings, or be able to understand how others are feeling?
13. Would you rather have a meaningful career that doesn’t make you happy or an unfulfilling job that brings you joy?
Find purpose in your work, or find pleasure in it?
14. Would you rather have the courage to take risks or always be safe and secure?
Push your boundaries and brave the unknown, or play it safe?
15. Would you rather have a life of adventure or one of stability?
Live for the thrill of uncertainty, or plan for a secure future?
16. Would you rather live with regret or without hope?
Turn back the clock, or look ahead to brighter days?
17. Would you rather give up what you have now for the chance to pursue your dreams or stay where you are and be happy with what you already have?
Abandon your current life for the unknown, or stay in familiar surroundings?
18. Would you rather never worry about money or always feel secure and loved?
Weigh financial security against emotional well-being.
19. Would you rather live a life of purpose or a life of pleasure?
Be true to yourself, or indulge your every whim?
20. Would you rather take the path of least resistance or forge your way?
Find an easy way to succeed or blaze your trail.
21. Would you rather be happy but have no purpose in life or unhappy but fulfill a greater mission?
Choose between a contented life or one of purpose.
22. Would you rather be loved for who you are or respected for what you do?
Be accepted for who you are or applauded for your accomplishments.
23. Would you rather have the courage to take risks or the wisdom to play it safe?
Be brave and daring, or be intelligent and prudent?
24. Would you rather live in a world where everyone agrees with you or one where no one does, but every opinion is respected?
Agree to disagree, or do not disagree at all?
25. Would you rather trust everyone or always be suspicious?
Go with your gut, or be suspicious of everyone?
Philosophical “Would You Rather” questions

Want to get a glimpse into someone’s true self? Ask them some philosophical “Would You Rather” questions!
1. Would you rather have absolute power or absolute freedom?
The ultimate power or the ultimate freedom?
2. Would you rather live a life of ease or a life with purpose?
Trade comfort for true meaning, or settle for complacency?
3. Would you rather live in a world without pain or where everyone suffers the same?
Live without suffering, or feel the same pain as everyone else?
4. Would you rather know of all past events or all future events?
Know what has been, or know what will come?
5. Would you rather live in a world without rules or one with too many rules?
Live with few rules or too many restrictions?
6. Would you rather live a life of simplicity or one of complexity?
Experience the simple life, or embrace complexity?
7. Would you rather lead by example or lead through authority?
Motivate through actions or enforce with power?
8. Would you rather accept the world as it is or strive to improve it?
Contend with the status quo or battle for progress?
9. Would you rather be the most powerful or wisest person in the world?
Command the masses, or guide them?
10. Would you rather have an abundance of possessions or an abundance of experiences?
Own more things, or have more life-defining moments?
11. Would you rather always know the truth or have peace of mind?
Uncover the truth, or live in blissful ignorance?
12. Would you rather have a life of order or one of creativity?
Follow a plan, or think outside the box?
13. Would you rather live forever with immortality or die knowing you made an impact?
Enjoy eternal living, or make a lasting impression?
14. Would you rather have control over your own life or the lives of others?
Take charge of your destiny, or shape the fortunes of many?
15. Would you rather give up freedom for safety or accept danger in exchange for freedom?
Give up freedom for security, or take on the risks of freedom?
16. Would you rather have a life of ease or one of challenge?
Opt for comfort, or take on the challenges of life?
17. Would you rather stand up for your beliefs and risk being wrong, or stay silent and never know the truth?
Speak up for what you believe in, or stay quiet and ignorant?
18. Would you rather have everyone like you or truly be yourself but risk being disliked?
Be well-liked, or stay true to who you are?
19. Would you rather have the ability to forgive or the desire to forget?
Erase bad memories, or let go of resentment?
20. Would you rather live without fear or love?
Be fearless or loveless?
21. Would you rather have a long life filled with good health or a shorter life filled with outstanding accomplishments?
Live longer and healthier, or make your mark in a short amount of time?
22. Would you rather have absolute control or absolute trust?
Have complete command, or be able to let go and put faith in others?
23. Would you rather always be correct or always be happy?
Be correct, or be content?
24. Would you rather have a life without stress or one without boredom?
Experience no pressure or no monotony?
25. Would you rather have the power to influence people or the ability to read their minds?
Move others, or understand them?
Looking for more exciting “Would You Rather” questions to entertain your friends and family? Check out our list of the best and most unique Would You Rather" questions that are sure to spark some interesting conversations and debates!