Are you in the mood for a good laugh? We’ve got you covered! These hilarious and entertaining prompts are perfect for parties, road trips, or a fun night with friends.
Whether you’re trying to break the ice, keep the conversation flowing, or just look for a good laugh, these questions are great for getting to know someone or simply passing the time with friends and family!
Want to be entertained for hours on end!? Prepare for a wild night with our ultimate guide to the hilarious “Would You Rather” game!
How to play “Would You Rather”
“Would You Rather” is a classic game that has been around for ages. It’s easy to play and can be enjoyed by everyone – from children to adults.
The game is simple: someone poses a question that includes two choices, and the other players must choose one of the two. For example, someone might ask, ““Would You Rather” have a pet giraffe or a pet elephant?” And the other players must decide which they would choose.
You can’t answer “Both!” or “Neither” because that’s not how the game works. Once you’ve chosen, the conversation can continue with answers to why you chose one. This can be an exciting way to get to know someone!
This continues until everyone has had a chance to answer the questions or until you run out of questions. We suggest sticking to one or two categories for the questions for each round. Ready to get started? Let’s do it!
“Would You Rather” video guide
Are you ready to start the fun? Check out our video guide and start the game right away:
Play “Would You Rather” online
With our online version, running out of questions is never a worry! We have an endless supply of funny, thought-provoking, and sometimes downright bizarre questions for you to choose from.
Simply click the button below to start playing! You can play directly in your browser with our web app or download our app on your phone for a fun and easy game on the go!
Hilarious “Would You Rather” questions

Just because the game is simple doesn’t mean it has to be boring! We’ve compiled 25 of our favorite funny takes on “Would You Rather” that will keep you entertained.
1. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Are you more of a sun lover or an avid snowman-maker?
2. Would you rather have to wear a clown nose every day for the rest of your life or have to wear a tutu every day for the rest of your life?
Both options are sure to make you stand out in a crowd!
3. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak every human language fluently?
Do you prefer communicating with furry friends or understanding your fellow humans better?
4. Would you rather have to eat a spoonful of wasabi every day for the rest of your life or never be able to eat spicy food again?
Ah, the age-old dilemma – how much heat can you handle?
5. Would you rather have to wear wet socks for the rest of your life or have a pebble in your shoe every day?
Either can be a pretty uncomfortable experience!
6. Would you rather have to wear a fanny pack every day for the rest of your life or wear Crocs every day for the rest of your life?
A fashion disaster or a comfort nightmare?
7. Would you rather be able to control the weather or be able to talk to ghosts?
The power to bring forth sunshine or summon spirits from beyond?
8. Would you rather have to wear a bib every time you eat or a helmet every time you go outside?
Safety or style?
9. Would you rather be able to fly but have to crawl everywhere else or be able to teleport but only in 10-second intervals?
Climb high and fly away or reach your destination in a blink of an eye?
10. Would you rather have to wear a tutu every time you go to the grocery store or sing a song every time you answer the phone?
Hey, no wrong answers here!
11. Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon?
A majestic creature or a legendary one?
12. Would you rather have to listen to the Barney theme song every time you enter a room or hear the Baby Shark song every time you leave a room?
This could either be incredibly annoying or very amusing!
13. Would you rather have a photographic memory or be able to forget anything you want?
A perfect recall or selective amnesia?
14. Would you rather be able to talk to inanimate objects or be able to communicate with aliens?
The mysteries of the universe await!
15. Would you rather have to sneeze every time you laugh or have to hop on one foot every time you get angry?
A funny side effect or a comical display of emotion?
16. Would you rather have to dance whenever you hear music or sing out loud when someone says your name?
A guaranteed party starter, no doubt!
17. Would you rather have to wear a clown wig every day for the rest of your life or wear a shirt with your name printed upside-down?
A laughing matter or a name game?
18. Would you rather have to eat pizza with a fork and knife every time or be unable to pronounce any word that starts with the letter ‘M’?
Delicious dilemmas!
19. Would you rather never be able to use the internet again or never be able to watch TV again?
An information blackout or an entertainment dry spell?
20. Would you rather have to talk like Yoda or walk like a penguin?
May the funny be with you!
21. Would you rather have to recite the alphabet backward any time you make a point or never be able to say the word ‘yes’?
A tricky challenge or a positive spin?
22. Would you rather have to drink a cup of coffee with every meal or take a cold shower every day?
A caffeine rush or an icy wakeup?
23. Would you rather have to say everything on your mind or never be able to speak again?
Avalanches of words or a quiet life?
24. Would you rather have to wear a cape all the time or only be able to speak in rhymes?
A superhero life or a poetic one?
25. Would you rather have to eat raw onion daily or drink a glass of pickle juice?
Savory surprises or briny beverages?
Amusing “Would You Rather” questions

Playing with friends or family has never been more fun! These “Would You Rather” questions will add a bit of humor and wit to your conversations. They are perfect for getting people out of their comfort zones and laughing together.
1. Would you rather have to say the last thing you ate out loud every time you sneeze or be unable to eat anything crunchy?
The perfect recipe for embarrassment or the ultimate crunchy craving?
2. Would you rather have to speak in a British accent or do a tap dance whenever you get a phone call?
Does your accent need some polishing, or is it time for your show-stopping performance?
3. Would you rather be able to talk to your pet or have your pet talk back to you?
Furry conversations or pet advice?
4. Would you rather have to wear a cape every day for the rest of your life or have to wear a tuxedo every day for the rest of your life?
A classic look or a superhero style?
5. Would you rather have to dance for 10 minutes every time you get an email or sing for 10 minutes every time you get a text message?
A jig or a jam session?
6. Would you rather have to say ‘meow’ every time you laugh or bark like a dog when you’re angry?
A perfect way to express joy or a canine-style display of rage?
7. Would you rather be able to fly or never have to wait in line again?
Ah, to never have to experience such inconvenience.
8. Would you rather have to walk backward everywhere you go or only be able to use one arm?
Well, it would undoubtedly make for a slower commute.
9. Would you rather never have to do laundry again or never have to mow the lawn again?
That’s one less chore you’ll have to worry about.
10. Would you rather always be able to tell when someone is lying or always know the winning lottery numbers?
The truth will set you free, they say!
11. Would you rather have to talk in a baby voice or speak like an old-timey news broadcaster?
Ahoy there, mateys!
12. Would you rather have to pick your nose in public or burp the national anthem?
A sniffly situation or a patriotic performance?
13. Would you rather perform a stand-up comedy routine every time you get nervous or have to do an interpretive dance when someone compliments you?
Time for the one-man show or time to shimmy?
14. Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the smartest?
Will you make them laugh, or will you make them think?
15. Would you rather have to wear a turtleneck daily for the rest of your life or wear a scarf in the summer?
A year-round bundled look or an occasional itchy neck?
16. Would you rather have to walk on your hands everywhere you go or have to crawl on your belly like a snake?
These are certainly two unique ways to get around town.
17. Would you rather have to wear socks with sandals every day for the rest of your life or have to wear a cowboy hat every day for the rest of your life?
Take a walk on the stylish side or go out west?
18. Would you rather have to eat a slice of pizza with a spoon or a slice of cake with a fork?
An unusual way to enjoy a slice of pizza or an odd way to eat cake?
19. Would you rather have to wear a onesie that matches your pet’s onesie or a t-shirt with your ex’s face on it for a week?
Exciting fashion choices, that’s for sure.
20. Would you rather wear roller skates to work every day or ride a unicycle to work every day?
A quick way to get around or a daily balancing act?
21. Would you rather have to eat a whole lemon for the rest of your life or a whole grapefruit every day for the rest of your life?
Both are sure to give you a sour face.
22. Would you rather have a permanent cowlick or a permanent bad haircut?
No matter which way you go, it’s bound to look funny.
23. Would you rather have to wear a bib to every meal or a helmet to every shower?
A wet head or a clean shirt?
24. Would you rather have to eat a plate of worms or a plate of crickets?
Don’t forget the salt and pepper!
25. Would you rather have x-ray vision or telepathy?
A sight beyond sight or a vision beyond thought?
Entertaining “Would You Rather” questions

There’s nothing like a fun round of “Would You Rather” questions to entertain your friends and family! Here are some funny, tongue-in-cheek questions that will have everyone laughing.
1. Would you rather live in a house made of chocolate or a house made of candy canes?
It’s a sweet decision to make!
2. Would you rather always have a song stuck in your head or always have a movie quote stuck in your head?
Sing it out or recite it loud?
3. Would you rather have Oprah Winfrey as your mom or Beyonce as your best friend?
A star-studded family or a superstar pal?
4. Would you rather never be able to eat your favorite food again or always have to eat your least favorite food with every meal?
Foodies, beware!
5. Would you rather wear a clown costume every time you leave the house or have to sing your order at restaurants?
Time to make a colorful statement or time to croon it out?
6. Would you rather have to wear a suit of armor to work every day or a ball gown to work every day?
A knight’s attire or a princess’ ensemble?
7. Would you rather eat all your meals with chopsticks or with a spork?
Put that spork to work!
8. Would you rather have to wear a hat that’s too small for your head or a hat that’s too big for your head every day?
A too-tight topper or a large lid?
9. Would you rather eat your food off the floor or sleep on the floor?
The five-second rule or a cozy night?
10. Would you rather have to wear mittens all the time or have to wear socks with sandals all the time?
Keep your hands warm or your toes cool?
11. Would you rather be able to transform into any animal or be able to transform into any object?
Hey, new-age superhero!
12. Would you rather have to live in a world without coffee or tea?
That’s a tough one!
13. Would you rather always have to wear sunglasses indoors or always have to wear earmuffs indoors?
They’re both sure to turn heads.
14. Would you rather have to wear a shirt that’s too short or pants that are too long daily?
A new way of dressing for sure!
15. Would you rather have the ability to speak any language but only in whispers or the ability to speak any language but only while shouting?
Mind your volume either way.
16. Would you rather eat a bowl of cereal with hot sauce or soup with ketchup?
Some strange combinations here!
17. Would you rather have to live in a world without art or science?
A difficult decision to make.
18. Would you rather have to dance every time you saw a dog or bark every time you heard music?
Pet owners, beware!
19. Would you rather have a third eye on your forehead or a third arm growing out of your back?
That might take some getting used to…
20. Would you rather live in a world where everything is black and white or where everything is neon?
A sight for sore eyes!
21. Would you rather be able to understand every animal’s thoughts or be able to understand every human’s thoughts?
A deep understanding of our furry friends or intimate knowledge of the people around us?
22. Would you rather have to sleep on a bed of nails every night or a bed of Legos every night?
23. Would you rather have the power to make anyone laugh or the power to make anyone cry?
What an emotional rollercoaster!
24. Would you rather be a professional juggler or a professional unicyclist?
Time to test your balance!
25. “Would You Rather” be a character in a horror movie or a character in a romantic comedy?
Suspenseful or swoon-worthy?
Playful Would You Rather questions

A game night of “Would You Rather” questions isn’t complete without a few playful questions thrown into the mix. These questions can bring out the silliest conversations and lighten up even the most serious game nights.
1. Would You Rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?
Think you’re flexible enough?
2. Would you rather have to shout or whisper everything you say?
Speak up or keep your peace, Taylor Swift once said.
3. Would you rather drink all your beverages through a straw or eat all your meals with chopsticks?
Time to channel your inner tiger!
4. Would you rather do all your grocery shopping at the dollar store or have to wear a clown suit every time you go out in public?
Bargain hunting or clowning around?
5. Would you rather have to lick your plate clean every time you finish a meal or always have to burp after eating?
Burping politely or licking your plate?
6. Would you rather have long arms or long legs?
Swinging from the trees or running marathons?
7. Would you rather have to sing your answers instead of speaking them or dance everywhere instead of walking?
What a show!
8. Would you rather never have to brush your teeth again or never have to take a shower again?
Let’s hope you don’t fall asleep in the shower.
9. Would you rather be stuck in a bubble or a giant hamster ball for the rest of your life?
Rolling around or floating away?
10. Would you rather always have to wear a pirate eye patch or have a parrot that talks and sits on your shoulder?
Ahoy, there!
11. Would you rather have a permanently silly expression on your face or a perpetually angry expression?
Better make sure you’re in a good mood!
12. Would you rather have a constant itch that can never be scratched or always feel like you have a rock in your shoe?
The ultimate discomfort.
13. Would you rather have to live your life as a cartoon character or always be followed around by a narrator?
It’s time to get animated.
14. Would you rather have a super sensitive sniffer like a bloodhound or an eagle’s eyesight?
Follow your nose or soar across the skies!
15. Would you rather have a tail like a monkey or wings like a bird?
A wild ride or a soaring adventure?
16. Would you rather have every word you say to become true or know when other people are lying?
Be careful with your words or attuned to others?
17. Would you rather have a magic carpet or a flying broomstick?
Arabian nights or Hogwarts?
18. Would you rather be able to summon a giant rubber duck whenever you’re feeling sad or be able to turn invisible, but only for five seconds at a time?
A cuddle buddy or the power of invisibility?
19. Would you rather have a pet hamster that can talk but has an annoying voice or a pet bird that can sing but only sings off-key?
Exhibit A or Exhibit B?
20. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or make fire out of your hands?
Swim with the fish or become a human torch?
21. Would you rather have a giant tongue or giant ears?
A keen sense of hearing or a wagging tongue?
22. Would you rather have a personal genie or personal fairy godmother?
Take three wishes or change your fate with a snap of her fingers?
23. Would you rather always have to speak in rhyme or wear a hat?
Verse and chorus, or top it off with style?
24. Would you rather have to talk like an opera singer or dance like a ballerina every time you speak?
Hey, you’re going to be talented one way or another!
25. Would you rather have to wear a costume whenever you go out in public or tell a joke whenever you meet someone new?
Time to get a little crazy — in a funny way!
Looking for more great “Would You Rather” questions to entertain your friends and family? Check out our list of the best and most unique “Would You Rather” questions that are sure to spark some interesting conversations and debates!