Think you’re brave enough to answer the hard-hitting questions? “Would You Rather” isn’t just a fun game — it’s also an easy way to take the temperature of your moral compass and get to know yourself better!
Whether you prefer to stay away from topics that are too controversial or if you’re ready to tackle them head-on, we’ve compiled a list of 100 hard “Would You Rather” questions to test your limits and uncover your core values. Ready to test your mettle? Read on!
Want to be entertained for hours on end!? Prepare for a wild night with our ultimate guide to the hilarious “Would You Rather” game!
How to play “Would You Rather”
“Would You Rather” is a classic game that’s been around for ages. Playing this game is simple — all you have to do is answer a series of questions where you must choose between two options. Easy as that!
To get started, a person says, “Would You Rather…” followed by two options, and the other players must choose which option they would prefer. For example, “Would You Rather have to save the world or live forever?”"
After every player has answered, they can choose to explain why they made their choice. This can make the game more interesting by opening up a dialogue between the participants and uncovering new perspectives — or it can become a lively debate between friends!
You can play as long as you want, or until you run out of questions — but with our list of 100 hard “Would You Rather” questions, that’s not going to happen anytime soon! You can also set a time limit, or decide on a certain number of rounds to play.
“Would You Rather” video guide
Can’t wait to start the game? Check out our video guide to get to know how to play the game:
Play “Would You Rather” online
Having enough questions to keep the game going can be challenging, so we’ve handled that for you. With our online version and mobile app, you’ll never run out of questions.
All you have to do is pick a category — like “Party” or “Popular” — and the game will generate a question for you. No need to come up with your own questions, just sit back and enjoy the game!
Download our free “Would You Rather” app now or play online on our website!
Tricky “Would You Rather” questions

Now it’s time for the hard questions that will make you think twice! These tough “Would You Rather” scenarios may seem impossible to answer, but deep down, you already know your answer.
1. Would you rather live one life that lasts 1,000 years or ten lives that last 100 years each?
You live a long life, either way.
2. Would you rather always speak your mind or never speak again?
Be heard, or do you want to have the last word? Your choice.
3. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 10 minutes into the past?
Getting a glimpse into the future or gaining insight from the past — it’s up to you!
4. Would you rather be stranded alone or with someone you dislike on a deserted island?
Put those survival skills to the test!
5. Would you rather have the ability to fly or become invisible?
You get to pick your superpower.
6. Would you rather lose the ability to taste or the ability to smell?
At least one of your senses has to stay!
7. Would you rather have a photographic memory or the ability to forget anything you want?
The power of memory or the ability to forget — which one is more useful?
8. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?
Time management skills are critical for this one!
9. Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world or be able to play every instrument in the world?
Be the ultimate polyglot or a master musician?
10. Would you rather live in a world without music or movies?
It’s a sad world, either way.
11. Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of your memories?
What’s more important — your possessions or your memories?
12. Would you rather always be hot or always be cold?
The eternal struggle of the thermostat!
13. Would you rather have the power of telekinesis or the ability of telepathy?
Which would you rather have, the power to move objects with your mind or the ability to read other people’s thoughts?
14. Would you rather be able to time travel or teleport anywhere instantly?
Choose your adventure!
15. Would you rather be the smartest or most athletic person in the world?
Which skill will you choose to excel in?
16. Would you rather never be able to use the internet again or never be able to watch TV again?
Say goodbye to one of your favorite pastimes.
17. Would you rather be able to control fire or water?
Choose your element!
18. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak every human language fluently?
Do you want to be the ultimate animal whisperer or an international polyglot?
19. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or have the ability to fly?
Choose your superpower!
20. Would you rather live in a world where everyone is always happy but you or a world where everyone is miserable but you?
Opt for the misery of solitude or the joy of company? It’s up to you!
21. Would you rather have the ability to go back in time and fix your mistakes or go forward in time and see your future?
Do you want to fix your past or plan for the future?
22. Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal assistant?
Some help in the kitchen or someone to do all the hard work for you?
23. Would you rather have the power to heal any illness or injury or the power to bring people back from the dead?
Be a doctor or a miracle worker?
24. Would you rather never have to sleep again or never have to eat again?
Either saves you time!
25. Would you rather be famous for something terrible or unknown for something extraordinary?
Pick your legacy.
Deep “Would You Rather” questions

A simple game like “Would You Rather” can quickly become mind-boggling! Here are some tough questions that may make you think twice before answering.
1. Would you rather have a billion dollars but never find true love or find true love but never have more than enough money to get by?
Money or love? What are you willing to sacrifice for the other?
2. Would you rather have the power to fly but only for five minutes a day or the power to turn invisible for one minute a day?
A bird’s eye view of the power of stealth?
3. Would you rather be able to read people’s thoughts or see their dreams?
Something is fascinating about both.
4. Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or the worst player on a winning team?
Do you prefer to be the show’s star or the hidden hero?
5. Would you rather never feel physical pain or never feel emotional pain?
It’s a tough choice, but which is more important to you?
6. Would you rather have the ability to control gravity or time?
What cosmic power would you wield?
7. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly at the speed of sound?
Choose your power; the sky’s the limit!
8. Would you rather have the power to teleport anywhere in the world or the power to time travel anywhere in history?
Jump through space or time?
9. Would you rather have the ability to instantly learn any skill or be able to instantly teach any skill to others?
Hey, the power of knowledge is a valuable resource!
10. Would you rather have the power to bring back the dead or communicate with ghosts?
Necromancy is in your hands!
11. Would you rather be able to change your gender at will or your physical appearance at will?
Saving up for your dream look or having the ultimate gender-fluid lifestyle?
12. Would you rather have the power to control the weather or the ability to control technology?
Manipulate nature or technology?
13. Would you rather live in a world where everyone can read minds or time travel?
What kind of reality would you choose to live in?
14. Would you rather be able to make anyone fall in love with you or make anyone forget you exist?
Power of persuasion or power of erasing?
15. Would you rather have the power to make anyone tell the truth or have the ability to make anyone believe a lie?
The ability to uncover the truth or spread a convincing falsehood?
16. Would you rather be able to fly like a bird or swim like a fish?
Pick your form of transportation!
17. Would you rather have the power to create life or the ability to control death?
God, is that you?
18. Would you rather have the ability to transform into any animal or object?
What form will you take?
19. Would you rather be able to create fire out of thin air or be able to control electricity?
Harness the power of fire and electricity!
20. Would you rather be able to create any food you desire out of thin air or have the ability to heal any injury or illness instantly?
The power of sustenance or the power of healing?
21. Would you rather be able to fly but only at night or be able to turn invisible but only during the day?
Day or night, the choice is yours.
22. Would you rather have the power to stop time for everyone but yourself or have the power to slow time down for everyone but yourself?
The unstoppable force?
23. Would you rather have the ability to clone yourself or the ability to create illusions?
The possibilities are endless!
24. Would you rather have the power to talk to plants or the ability to speak to machines?
Choose your form of communication.
25. Would you rather have the ability to see through walls or the ability to see through time?
Discover the hidden secrets of the past and present!
Challenging “Would You Rather” questions

Want to rack up the difficulty of your “Would You Rather” game? Try these hard “Would You Rather” questions on for size!
1. Would you rather have the power to control emotions or the ability to control gravity?
Choose between the power of emotions or the ability of physics!
2. Would you rather have a map that shows you where all the wealth in the world is hidden or a map that shows you where all the knowledge in the world is hidden?
Wealth or wisdom?
3. Would you rather have the power to manipulate reality or the ability to control dreams?
The power to create dreams or a new reality?
4. Would you rather be able to communicate with extraterrestrial life or be able to control your dreams?
Take a peek into the universe or explore your inner depths.
5. Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the pictures you have ever taken?
Long-lasting memories or material objects?
6. Would you rather live without the internet for a year or without a phone for a year?
Go off the grid!
7. Would you rather have to eat only one food for the rest of your life or never be able to eat your favorite food again?
Choose your culinary fate!
8. Would you rather forget everything you learned in the last five years or never know anything new for the rest of your life?
Amnesia or stagnation?
9. Would you rather have the power to read minds or the ability to read emotions?
What secrets will you uncover?
10. Would you rather have the power to manipulate matter or control time?
The ultimate power!
11. Would you rather never be able to travel again or never be able to eat your favorite food again?
What will you choose?
12. Would you rather be able to see the future or change the past?
Mystery and intrigue.
13. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere you want or have the ability to fly at a slow speed?
Choose your form of transportation!
14. Would you rather have to speak every thought that comes to your mind or never be able to talk again?
The power of communication or the ability of silence?
15. Would you rather have the power to control your dreams or never have to sleep again?
Dreams or sleepless nights?
16. Would you rather be able to talk to plants or control the weather?
The power of nature is at your fingertips.
17. Would you rather be able to read minds or control people’s thoughts?
A thought-provoking question, indeed!
18. Would you rather be the most intelligent person in the world but have no friends or be the dumbest person in the world but have many friends?
The power of intelligence or the power of relationships?
19. Would you rather be the only person on earth or be surrounded by people you don’t like?
Aloneness or unease?
20. Would you rather be able to teleport but never be able to return or have to travel the long way but be able to come back?
Stay or go?
21. Would you rather have the power to control machines or control animals?
Choose your superpower!
22. Would you rather have the power to move objects with your mind or be able to breathe underwater?
The ability to manipulate matter or control the elements?
23. Would you rather be able to control the weather or be invisible?
The power of invisibility or the power of Mother Nature?
24. Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have a photographic memory?
The power of words or the power of knowledge?
25. Would you rather be able to fly or have the power of super speed?
Take to the skies or dash through the streets?
Tough “Would You Rather” questions

Thinking twice is the key to answering hard “Would You Rather” questions. These questions aim to get you to think outside the box and become more aware of yourself.
1. Would you rather have a life of luxury but no friends or a life of poverty with true friendship?
Wealth or companionship?
2. Would you rather have a superpower that only works one day a year or a superpower that works every other day?
Limited potential or limited frequency?
3. Would you rather be able to erase any memory from your mind or be able to read other people’s thoughts?
Forgetfulness or omniscience?
4. Would you rather have to kill one innocent person or have 100 innocent people die because of your inaction?
A moral dilemma.
5. Would you rather live without electricity or without running water?
Comfort or convenience?
6. Would you rather never be able to leave your hometown or never be able to leave your home country?
The freedom of exploration or the comfort of familiarity?
7. Would you rather have the ability to heal any illness or injury but not be able to heal yourself or have the power to heal yourself but not be able to heal others?
Heal thyself or heal others?
8. Would you rather have a job that you love but doesn’t pay well or a job you don’t like but pays well?
A balancing act.
9. Would you rather have unlimited wealth but never be able to travel or have unlimited travel but no money?
Money or experience?
10. Would you rather be able to time travel but only in the past or be able to travel the universe but remain in your own time?
A journey through space and time?
11. Would you rather have the power of flight but be afraid of heights or have the power of invisibility but be frightened of the dark?
Frightening prospects.
12. Would you rather be able to speak all languages fluently but not understand sarcasm or sarcasm but not be able to speak any language fluently?
Choose your superpower wisely.
13. Would you rather be able to travel to the past and meet your ancestors or travel to the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?
A time for reflection or a glimpse into what’s to come?
14. Would you rather have unlimited knowledge but no way to share it or have unlimited power but no way to use it?
Share the wealth or be powerless?
15. Would you rather be able to travel to parallel universes or travel to different points in time in your universe?
Exploring the unknown or reliving history?
16. Would you rather be able to control the weather or control natural disasters?
The power of nature or the ability to avert disaster?
17. Would you rather have a superpower that changes the laws of physics or be able to communicate with animals?
Breaking boundaries or bridging communication gaps?
18. Would you rather be able to read people’s true intentions or be able to predict the future?
A mind reader or a fortune teller?
19. Would you rather be able to turn invisible or teleport wherever you wanted?
The choice between stealth and speed.
20. Would you rather be the world’s greatest liar or never lie again?
The power of persuasion or the truth, always?
21. Would you rather always win in arguments or never get into a fight again?
The ultimate debate.
22. Would you rather be able to travel through time but not change it or travel through space but never get back to Earth?
Constrained by the boundaries of space and time?
23. Would you rather have your thoughts broadcasted to everyone or be able to read other people’s thoughts?
The power of perception or privacy?
24. Would you rather be able to fly but never be able to touch the ground or dive but never be able to surface?
The power of flight or the depths of the sea?
25. Would you rather have x-ray vision or superhuman strength?
The power of sight or the strength of a hero?
Looking for more exciting “Would You Rather” questions to entertain your friends and family? Check out our list of the best and most unique “Would You Rather” questions that are sure to spark some interesting conversations and debates!