Nothing sparks lively discussions and debates quite like a good game of “Would You Rather”. This classic party game is a great way to break the ice and get people talking and laughing in no time.
Whether you’re hosting a game night with friends or looking for some fun conversation starters, our list of “Would You Rather” questions is sure to get everyone engaged and entertained. From silly scenarios to thought-provoking dilemmas, there’s something for everyone in this quiz.
Want to be entertained for hours on end!? Prepare for a wild night with our ultimate guide to the hilarious “Would You Rather” game!
How to play “Would You Rather”
Getting started with “Would You Rather” is easy. All you need to play is at least two people and a list of fun questions.
One person starts by asking a “Would You Rather” question, giving two options for the group to choose from.
For example: “Would you rather eat a plate of worms or never be able to eat chocolate again?”
Each person takes turns answering the question and explaining the reasoning behind their choice. The players are not allowed to say “neither” or “both”. They have to make a choice, no matter how tough it may be!
Once everyone has had a chance to answer, the next person in line asks a question, and the game continues. There’s no limit to how many rounds you can play, so keep going for as long as you like.
Play “Would You Rather” online
Do you want to spend less time thinking of questions and more time playing? With our online version and app of “Would You Rather”, you can skip the hassle and get straight to the fun.
Simply choose a category and let the app generate endless rounds of “Would You Rather” questions for you and your friends to enjoy. With over 1,000 questions and multiple categories to choose from, the fun never has to end.
Download our free “Would You Rather” app now or play directly on our website.
Fun “Would You Rather” questions

Ready for some hilarious “Would You Rather” questions to ask at your next game night? Here are some of the best “Would You Rather” questions to get the fun going:
1. Would you rather always have to wear a giant clown wig or never be able to brush your teeth?
Hey, why not?
2. Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?
The battle of two classic superpowers.
3. Would you rather own a pet tiger or live in a castle?
That’s some royalty right there.
4. Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon?
The choice between mythical creatures is a tough one.
5. Would you rather be able to fly or teleport?
The possibilities are endless!
6. Would you rather always have to speak in rhymes or in a foreign accent?
Come on, polyglot Shakespeare!
7. Would you rather have unlimited free pizza or unlimited free tacos for life?
A foodie’s paradise.
8. Would you rather have a superpower of invisibility or super strength?
Be a stealthy superhero or a powerful one?
9. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly through the air?
Ah, the joys of underwater exploration or aerial acrobatics!
10. Would you rather be able to read minds or control time?
What would you do with such power?
11. Would you rather be able to communicate with animals or speak all human languages fluently?
A chance to better understand our furry (and scaly!) friends.
12. Would you rather be able to talk to your younger self or your future self?
Good advice or cautionary tales? You decide!
13. Would you rather have a permanent bedhead or a permanent bad haircut?
Two very different kinds of hair troubles.
14. Would you rather always have to wear clown shoes or ski boots?
A fashion statement or a practical choice?
15. Would you rather be able to speak with all animals or speak every human language fluently?
What would you learn from the animal kingdom?
16. Would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain?
Will you be the hero or the villain?
17. Would you rather be a pirate or a ninja?
Ahoy or Shhh?
18. Would you rather be a wizard or a vampire?
The forces of magic or the power of darkness?
19. Would you rather be a mermaid/merman or a centaur?
The beauty of the sea or the strength of a horse?
20. Would you rather be able to change your appearance at will or read people’s thoughts?
Hey, both are pretty useful!
21. Would you rather be a professional athlete or a famous musician?
Go for the gold or shoot for the stars?
22. Would you rather have the power of telekinesis or the ability of telepathy?
Move objects with your mind or read others’ thoughts?
23. Would you rather be a character in a sci-fi movie or a fantasy movie?
Nothing wrong with a bit of escapism.
24. Would you rather be able to teleport to any location or have the ability to time travel?
The future or the past?
25. Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal stylist?
Either way, you’ll be looking (and tasting) good!
26. Would you rather be able to control fire or water?
The power to create or the power to control?
27. Would you rather have a flying car or a boat that can submerge?
A sky-high getaway or an underwater adventure?
28. Would you rather have the ability to freeze time or speed it up?
Time waits for no one.
29. Would you rather have a mansion in the city or a cottage in the countryside?
The great indoors or the fresh outdoors?
30. Would you rather be stranded alone or with someone you dislike on a desert island?
One of life’s most challenging decisions.
31. Would you rather have a talking pet or a robot assistant?
At least you don’t have to talk to yourself anymore.
32. Would you rather be able to communicate with ghosts or see the future?
A peek into the unknown or a chance to chat with those from beyond?
33. Would you rather be able to eat anything you want without gaining weight or have perfect health for life?
The ultimate diet plan or forever wellness?
34. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or have the power of flight?
Explore the depths or take to the skies?
35. Would you rather have a tail or a pair of wings?
A high-flying advantage or an extra swishy limb?
36. Would you rather be able to talk to plants or the dead?
Get in touch with the living or the departed?
37. Would you rather live in a world with superheroes or with magical creatures?
A modern-day mythological world or one filled with capes and masks?
38. Would you rather live in a world without technology or nature?
Take your pick from the two most essential elements of life.
39. Would you rather live in a house made of candy or a house made of ice?
Sounds like something out of a fairytale!
40. Would you rather never have to sleep or never have to eat?
You’ll save time, but at what cost?
41. Would you rather have the power to turn invisible or read minds?
Will you keep your secrets close or unlock others’ secrets?
42. Would you rather be able to control the weather or have super strength?
The power of the elements or brute force?
43. Would you rather be able to travel through time or teleport?
Back in time or around the globe?
44. Would you rather always be 10 minutes early or 10 minutes late?
Punctuality is key!
45. Would you rather have the ability to stop time or move objects with your mind?
Stop everything or move it all?
46. Would you rather be able to control the weather or control gravity?
A force of nature or the power of physics?
47. Would you rather have never-ending money or never-ending energy?
Live your life to the fullest or spend it in luxury?
48. Would you rather have the power to fly or the power of invisibility?
Soar among the clouds or stay out of sight?
49. Would you rather have the ability to speak any language fluently or be a master at all forms of martial arts?
The power of the tongue or the power of the fist?
50. Would you rather be able to travel through time or to different dimensions?
What’s in the past, or what lies beyond?
51. Would you rather be able to talk to the animals or the plants?
A meow or a leaf?
52. Would you rather have the power to control minds or see the future?
Think, don’t blink.
53. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or survive in the vacuum of space?
Dive deep into the abyss or float in the stars?
54. Would you rather have X-ray vision or the ability to read minds?
See-through walls or get inside other’s heads?
55. Would you rather be able to fly or move objects with your mind?
Take off and soar or use the power of your thoughts?
56. Would you rather be able to talk to the dead or turn invisible?
Communicate with the departed or stay out of sight?
57. Would you rather have the power to read thoughts or control elements?
Know what’s on everyone’s mind or manipulate nature?
58. Would you rather live in a world where everyone has superpowers or magical abilities?
Take your pick – it’s a real superpower showdown!
59. Would you rather be able to shoot laser beams out of your eyes or create portals with your hands?
The power of technology or the power of magic?
60. Would you rather have the ability to time travel or teleport?
Are the past, present, and future all at your fingertips? Or the world at your feet?
61. Would you rather live in a world without the internet or television?
What will you do in the age of disconnection?
62. Would you rather have a photographic memory or a high IQ?
Remember everything or think smarter?
63. Would you rather be able to turn back time or freeze time?
Rewind or pause?
64. Would you rather have the power of flight or super speed?
Soar through the skies or run like the wind?
65. Would you rather be able to control minds or see the future?
Lead or foresee?
66. Would you rather be famous for something good or infamous for something bad?
Fame for a deed or infamy for a misdeed?
67. Would you rather live in a world with unlimited resources or no money?
Live without limits or live without currency?
68. Would you rather be the first person to discover something new or the last person to discover something old?
Uncover the unknown or unearth a secret?
69. Would you rather be able to fly at superhuman speeds or have the ability to turn invisible?
Breeze through the sky or slip away unnoticed?
70. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere in the world or have the ability to control time?
Cross any distance instantaneously or bend the rules of time?
71. Would you rather be able to see the world in black and white or in technicolor?
Behold the beauty of the world.
72. Would you rather be the most intelligent person in the world or the happiest person in the world?
Brilliance or bliss?
73. Would you rather have the ability to control your dreams or your thoughts?
You’ll never have to worry about being unprepared or unmotivated ever again.
74. Would you rather be able to change one event in history or have the ability to predict the future?
Rewrite history or be one step ahead?
75. Would you rather be able to fly without wings or breathe underwater without gills?
The sky or the sea?
76. Would you rather be able to talk to the dead or visit different dimensions?
Pick your poison!
77. Would you rather have the ability to read emotions or control emotions?
Understand what others are feeling or influence how they feel?
78. Would you rather be able to remember everything that happened to you or forget everything that happened to you?
Ah, the power of your thoughts!
79. Would you rather be able to change your past or your future?
The power to dictate your destiny.
80. Would you rather be able to speak to your past or future self?
See the past or set the future? Pick your path.
81. Would you rather be able to travel to different planets or travel to different times?
Explore the universe or explore history?
82. Would you rather have a photographic memory or an impeccable sense of direction?
Remember everything with perfect accuracy or never get lost ever again?
83. Would you rather be the most intelligent person in the world or the most creative person in the world?
Pick your superpower!
84. Would you rather be able to teleport to any place on Earth or any time in history?
See the world like never before or experience it as it was?
85. Would you rather have the power to cure any disease or to resurrect the dead?
Heavy is the head that wears this crown.
86. Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or have superhuman strength?
Furry friends or mightiest of muscles?
87. Would you rather never have to sleep again or be able to breathe underwater?
A lot of time for doing whatever you want or a world of opportunity underwater?
88. Would you rather be invisible or have the power to read minds?
Stealthy or psychic!
89. Would you rather be able to control the weather or be able to turn yourself into any animal?
Change the climate or change your form?
90. Would you rather be able to solve any math equation instantly or speak any language fluently?
Fast calculations or brief conversation?
91. Would you rather be able to fly or have the power of telekinesis?
Well, that’s a tough one!
92. Would you rather have the ability to see the future or be able to unearth a secret?
What’s in store or what’s been hidden?
93. Would you rather be able to control fire or turn invisible at will?
Unlock the forces of nature or be a ghost?
94. Would you rather be able to control time or have the power of telepathy?
Rewrite the clock or read others’ thoughts?
95. Would you rather have the power to manipulate people or be able to travel through time?
Lead others astray or go back in time?
96. Would you rather be able to read minds or control the elements?
Unlock secrets or become one with nature?
97. Would you rather be able to fly or have the power of teleportation?
Soar through the skies or blink away?
98. Would you rather have the power to control people’s emotions or be able to stop time?
Create a blissful world or freeze perfection in time?
99. Would you rather have the power to change your appearance at will or be able to time travel?
Transform yourself or go back in time?
100. Would you rather have the ability to read minds or be able to control electricity?
Unlock thoughts or become a master of lightning?
Looking for more exciting “Would You Rather” questions to entertain your friends and family? Check out our list of the best and most unique “Would You Rather” questions that are sure to spark some interesting conversations and debates!