A game night with your friends isn’t complete without a fun round of “Would You Rather”! This classic game is always a hit, and it’s even better when you have exciting and unique questions to ask.
From silly scenarios to thought-provoking moral dilemmas, these “Would You Rather” questions for adults will take your game night to the next level. Get ready for some serious laughs and perhaps some deep conversations too!
Want to be entertained for hours on end!? Prepare for a wild night with our ultimate guide to the hilarious “Would You Rather” game!
How to play “Would You Rather”
Getting started with “Would You Rather” is easy. All you need is two or more players, a list of questions, and plenty of imagination!
Once the players have gathered, choose the first person to ask a “Would You Rather” question. This can be a question from the provided list or one you make up yourself! For example, you might ask, “Would You Rather never have to pay taxes again or never have to work again?”
The other players, then, one at a time, will pick one of the two options. You can’t say both, and you can’t abstain from picking one! Once everyone has chosen, the next person down the line asks the next “Would You Rather” question.
Continue going around the circle and asking questions until everyone has had a chance to answer. Feel free to go as deep or lighthearted as you’d like. You can even explain why you chose one option over the other!
Play “Would You Rather” online
You don’t need to rack your brain for exciting questions. Thanks to modern technology, you can now generate “Would You Rather” questions online.
This online version of the game is a great way to get some ideas for your next game night or even if you’re looking to play “Would You Rather” by yourself. Just choose a category, and you’ll never run out of questions to ask.
Lighthearted “Would You Rather” questions for adults

Sometimes, the best “Would You Rather” questions are the silliest ones. Here is a list of lighthearted and funny “Would You Rather” questions to start your game night.
1. Would you rather have an unlimited supply of chocolate or an endless supply of french fries?
Either way, you’ll never have to worry about running out of your favorite snack!
2. Would you rather always be 10 minutes early or 15 minutes late?
Time is of the essence, so choose wisely.
3. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read people’s minds?
Being invisible might sound fun, but can you resist knowing everyone’s secrets?
4. Would you rather never have to wear shoes again or never have to wear socks again?
Say goodbye to stinky feet, but also say goodbye to comfort and style.
5. Would you rather trade places with a celebrity for one day or win the lottery?
Experience what it’s like to live a life of luxury, but only for one day.
6. Would you rather have a talking dog or a flying cat?
It’s up to you to decide which would make for the better pet.
7. Would you rather have an endless supply of money or an infinite supply of time?
Would you rather be able to buy anything your heart desires or have plenty of time to do anything you want?
8. Would you rather time travel to the past or the future?
Think of all the fantastic things you could experience by going back or forward in time.
9. Would you rather always be overdressed or always be underdressed?
Let’s get fashionable!
10. Would you rather have superhuman strength or be able to fly?
If you could do anything, what would it be?
11. Would you rather never have to wait in line again or never have to do dishes again?
Ah, the joys of modern life.
12. Would you rather be able to speak every language or be a master of all sports?
The possibilities are endless!
13. Would you rather be able to teleport or read other people’s thoughts?
A superpower for every situation.
14. Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
Choose wisely!
15. Would you rather always have perfect hair or always have flawless skin?
What would you rather look like?
16. Would you rather never have to sleep again or never have to eat again?
Neither sounds particularly appealing, but one must do what one must.
17. Would you rather never be able to use the internet again or never be able to leave your house?
Do you need the internet more than your freedom of movement?
18. Would you rather be able to control fire or water?
Think of all the possibilities!
19. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or control the weather?
Choose wisely!
20. Would you rather be the best dancer in the world or the best singer in the world?
Dance your way to glory!
21. Would you rather live the rest of your life in virtual reality or on a deserted island?
One is full of possibility, while the other is full of isolation.
22. Would you rather always have the best seat in the house or always win at any game you play?
The luxury of choice has never been greater.
23. Would you rather never have to pay taxes again or do laundry again?
Do you hate doing your taxes more than folding clothes?
24. Would you rather be able to teleport or have the power of telekinese?
Teleporting to any location in an instant or being able to move objects with your mind?
25. Would you rather have x-ray vision or be able to talk to plants?
See into the future or communicate with nature? The choice is yours.
Thought-Provoking “Would You Rather” questions for adults

Sometimes, the best questions are ones that make you think. These thought-provoking “Would You Rather” questions for adults will open your mind and get you thinking about things in a different way.
1. Would you rather be the most famous or most intelligent person alive?
Fame or intelligence?
2. Would you rather never be able to take a vacation or never be able to go to the movies?
Which one would you miss more?
3. Would you rather have all your wishes come true or have the power to make three other people’s wishes come true?
Choose wisely, because with great power comes great responsibility.
4. Would you rather be able to see the future or change the past?
The power of foresight or hindsight?
5. Would you rather have the ability to teleport or be able to time travel?
Where would you go first?
6. Would you rather never have to worry about money again or never have to worry about your health again?
The ultimate trade-off.
7. Would you rather be the most powerful politician in the world or the best athlete in the world?
Leadership or athleticism?
8. Would you rather never feel physical pain or emotional pain?
Which will you choose to feel, if any?
9. Would you rather be able to stop time or fly?
A choice between two superpowers.
10. Would you rather have no secrets or have everyone else’s secrets?
Choose wisely!
11. Would you rather be able to control the weather or control luck?
Luck or predictability?
12. Would you rather be able to see the future or have complete knowledge?
Glimpse the future, or know all there is to know?
13. Would you rather have an extra hour each day or never have to work again?
Would you choose more time or the freedom of not having to work?
14. Would you rather never make any mistakes or always be able to forgive?
Will you choose the path of perfection or grace towards others?
15. Would you rather be able to control someone’s mind or read their thoughts?
Power over someone else or insight into another person’s inner workings?
16. Would you rather have the ability to turn anything into gold or be able to read minds?
Wealth or knowledge?
17. Would you rather be able to speak any language or have superhuman strength?
Either of these could be incredibly useful.
18. Would you rather have the power to go back in time or the power to control gravity?
The possibilities are endless.
19. Would you rather have the power of invisibility or the power to fly?
Choose your superpower wisely!
20. Would you rather always be in the spotlight or have the ability to turn invisible?
The choice of whether to be seen or unseen is yours.
21. Would you rather be able to read any book worldwide or teleport anywhere?
Travel through space and time, or explore the written word?
22. Would you rather own a private island or be on the cover of every magazine?
Solitude or fame?
23. Would you rather have the power to stop time or the ability to manipulate reality?
Would you want to pause time or change it completely? The choice is yours.
24. Would you rather have the power of telekinesis or be able to talk to animals?
The power to move things with your mind or communicate with creatures?
25. Would you rather have an unlimited wardrobe or never have to clean a dish again?
The ultimate fashionista or a free pass from cleaning?
Funny “Would You Rather” questions for adults

While this game can be severe, it can also be fun. Here are some funny “Would You Rather” questions to ask:
1. Would you rather never have to use the bathroom again or never have to shower again?
Sounds like a dream come true.
2. Would you rather be the size of an ant or have your head the size of a watermelon?
A bug’s life or a giant head?
3. Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?
Can you type with your toes or walk with your fingers?
4. Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon?
A mythical creature that you can call your own.
5. Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?
The power of free speech or the freedom to remain silent?
6. Would you rather have a third arm or three eyes?
Would you prefer the extra appendage or the ability to see from all angles?
7. Would you rather breathe fire or be able to predict the future?
An incredible power of destruction or a glimpse into what’s to come?
8. Would you rather have the superpower of flying or never have to sleep again?
Soar through the sky, or never have to worry about counting sheep?
9. Would you rather have the ability to teleport or never gain another pound?
Journey through space and time, or stay fit forever?
10. Would you rather be the strongest or most brilliant person alive?
Who will reign supreme? The physical titan or the mental genius?
11. Would you rather be able to change the weather or control time?
Would you prefer a sunny day or the power to go back in time?
12. Would you rather be able to read anyone’s thoughts or make anyone do whatever you want?
The power to understand or the ability to control?
13. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or have x-ray vision?
Underwater explorations, or the ability to see through walls?
14. Would you rather have unlimited money or unlimited power?
Corner the market, or rule the world? It’s up to you.
15. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or turn yourself into any animal?
Understand the language of creatures, or become a creature yourself?
16. Would you rather never get old or never die?
Eternal youth, or a life that goes on forever?
17. Would you rather always eat your favorite food or drink your favorite beverage?
Your beloved dish or go-to drink for all eternity?
18. Would you rather be able to fly or walk through walls?
Soar above it all, or explore what’s beyond the barrier?
19. Would you rather never brush your teeth again or never have to wash your hands?
No more dental hygiene, or no more soap and water?
20. Would you rather control the universe or be able to read minds?
Reigning supreme, or knowing what everyone’s thinking?
21. Would you rather eat food with no taste or wear clothes with no color?
Flavorless fare, or a world of black and white?
22. Would you rather have permanent clown face paint or permanent clown shoes?
A face full of paint or shoes that never come off?
23. Would you rather have a unibrow or no eyebrows at all?
A strange but unified look, or no brows at all?
24. Would you rather eat a sandwich made of dog food or a sandwich made of cat food?
Man’s best friend or man’s feline companion?
25. Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere but always land face down or have the ability to fly but only at a maximum speed of 2 mph?
The power to travel or the ability to hover? It’s up to you.
Serious “Would You Rather” questions for adults

Just because you’re an adult playing a party game doesn’t mean you can’t form meaningful conversations. Here are a few more serious “Would You Rather” questions for adults:
1. Would you rather have financial security or a meaningful career?
Which would you prioritize: stability or fulfillment?
2. Would you rather be able to travel anywhere in the world or have a luxurious lifestyle?
Would you prefer to explore or live in the lap of luxury?
3. Would you rather live in a big city or the countryside?
The hustle and bustle of a metropolis or the serenity of a small town?
4. Would you rather be a successful company’s CEO or a hit show star?
The head honcho or the leading man?
5. Would you rather have a long, healthy life or a short but meaningful one?
A lifetime of experience or a few years of adventure?
6. Would you rather live in the past or future?
The nostalgia of ages past or the mystery of what’s to come?
7. Would you rather have a job that pays well or that you enjoy?
Do you prioritize financial security or passion?
8. Would you rather give up your phone or your computer?
The freedom of social media or the knowledge of the web?
9. Would you rather have the perfect relationship or a successful career?
Do you prioritize love or ambition?
10. Would you rather have a meaningful life or one full of luxury?
Hey, it’s your call. What’s more important to you?
11. Would you rather be famous or content?
The glamor of fame or the tranquility of satisfaction?
12. Would you rather have inner peace or be surrounded by loved ones?
The solace of stillness or the joy of companionship?
13. Would you rather have eternal life or true love?
Would you choose to live forever or to find the one?
14. Would you rather live a life of purpose or one with no regrets?
Do you prioritize meaning in your life or the freedom to take risks?
15. Would you rather do something unforgettable or have a perfect life?
A lifetime of memories or a life of contentment?
16. Would you rather be wealthy or wise?
Are you after riches or knowledge?
17. Would you rather have the perfect marriage or a successful career?
Do you prioritize passion or companionship?
18. Would you rather have the ability to manipulate time or the power to travel anywhere in the world?
Control over the clock or a ticket to explore?
19. Would you rather be known for your intelligence or your generosity?
Are you after respect or philanthropy?
20. Would you rather be able to see into the future or change the past?
The power of premonition or rewriting history?
21. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be a master of any language?
Cross-species communication, or the gift of tongues?
22. Would you rather live a life of no worries or one full of adventure?
Would you prefer the calm of serenity or the thrill of risk?
23. Would you rather have the power to heal or to create?
The ability to mend, or the freedom of imagination?
24. Would you rather have the power to fly or be able to read minds?
Soar in the sky or peer into thoughts?
25. Would you rather know the secrets of the universe or find true love?
The mysteries of space or your soul mate?
Looking for more exciting “Would You Rather” questions to entertain your friends and family? Check out our list of the best and most unique “Would You Rather” questions that are sure to spark some interesting conversations and debates!