A party game like “Would You Rather” isn’t just for adults. Kids love it too! Whether in the car, at home, or out and about, this is a perfect way to get kids talking and laughing.
The best part about this game is that there are no wrong answers. Kids can answer honestly or be funny and silly — it’s all up to them! That’s why we’ve gathered all the ridiculous, craziest, and most enjoyable “Would You Rather” questions for kids. Ready to be inspired? Let’s get started!
Want to be entertained for hours on end!? Prepare for a wild night with our ultimate guide to the hilarious “Would You Rather” game!
How to play “Would You Rather”
“Would You Rather” is a great game for kids of all ages. Begin by making sure at least two people are playing. Then, choose a player to go first! You can do this by flipping a coin or spinning a bottle if you have more than two players.
Time to start the fun! The first player will ask the group a “Would You Rather” question. For example, “Would You Rather eat pizza or ice cream for the rest of your life?”
The other players will then take turns answering the question. Once everyone has answered, the players can discuss why they made their choices and how funny it would be if someone had to eat pizza or ice cream every day!
Then, the player to either the left or right of the first player will read out a different question, and the game continues. You can keep playing until everyone is done or set a timer to decide how long you’ll play.
“Would You Rather” video guide
Are you looking for an easy way to explain the game to the younger players? Watch or video guide together and start the fun:
Play “Would You Rather” online
If you’re stuck in a rut and can’t come up with any questions for a fun “Would You Rather” game, we’ve got your back! With our online version of the game, you don’t need to be worried about coming up with questions.
Our free “Would You Rather” app offers 1000+ fun “Would You Rather” questions from different categories! Just download our free app on your iPhone or Android device or play directly on our website and let the fun begin!
Fun “Would You Rather” questions for kids

Now that you know how to play “Would You Rather”, it’s time for the best part — the questions! We’ve compiled a list of fun, silly, and outrageous questions that kids will love. Here are some of our favorites:
1. Would you rather have a pet monkey or a pet elephant?
Both are pretty wild animals!
2. Would you rather eat ice cream for breakfast every day or have a bubble bath three times a week?
Yum, or cozy?
3. Would you rather have X-ray vision or be able to fly?
It’s the ultimate superpower debate!
4. Would you rather have a pet dragon or be able to talk to animals?
A dragon would be so cool, but talking to animals is magical!
5. Would you rather live in a castle or on a boat?
Show off your adventurous side!
6. Would you rather never be able to brush your teeth again or always have to wear the same clothes?
Always practice hygiene!
7. Would you rather have super speed or be able to breathe underwater?
It’s the ultimate underwater adventure!
8. Would you rather travel back in time or into the future?
Time travel is a tricky one!
9. Would you rather go on a rollercoaster ride daily or eat your favorite food for every meal?
It’s a tough call!
10. Would you rather live amongst the stars or beneath the sea?
Explore the vastness of space or dive into the depths of the ocean.
11. Would you rather be invisible for a day or read other people’s minds for an hour?
The possibilities are endless!
12. Would you rather never have any worries or never feel pain again?
It’s a difficult decision!
13. Would you rather have magical powers like Harry Potter or be a superhero like Superman/Wonder Woman?
Hey, superpowers are always a plus!
14. Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?
The ultimate battle of epic proportions!
15. Would you rather play in a snowstorm or ride a rainbow while singing songs all day?
A colorful adventure or a winter wonderland?
16. Would you rather fly in an airplane with no roof or explore the ocean wearing scuba gear?
The sky is the limit, or dive into the deep blue sea?
17. Would you rather speak five languages fluently or become an expert at one instrument?
A linguist or a musician?
18. Would you rather own ten cats or two pet dragons that can’t breathe fire?
Cuddly cats or majestic dragons?
19. Would you rather turn into a mermaid for one day or be able to breathe underwater forever?
Live an underwater adventure or explore the land?
20. Would you rather spend the night in an old castle or explore an ancient pyramid?
Experience a night of mystery or explore an ancient civilization?
21. Would you rather be a famous singer or have the power to teleport?
Sing your heart out or teleport to any place you want.
22. Would you rather take a ride on an elephant or swim with dolphins?
Feeling like royalty or a slippery swim?
23. Would you rather travel through space or explore the depths of the ocean?
Soar through the stars or dive into the unknown?
24. Would you rather give up your phone for one week or stay indoors for one month?
Disconnect or stay at home?
25. Would you rather have a pet dragon or be able to talk to animals like in Disney’s The Lion King?
Be the proud owner of a majestic dragon or converse with animals like Simba?
Silly “Would You Rather” Questions for kids

Time to get kooky! For a fun twist on the classic “Would You Rather” questions, here are some silly ones that kids will love:
1. Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or pizza for hands?
Take your pick between a delicious hairdo or some cheesy hands!
2. Would you rather live in a world where everything is always upside down or where everything is always in black and white?
Live in a world of topsy-turvy fun or stark black-and-white contrast?
3. Would you rather eat chocolate-flavored broccoli or broccoli-flavored chocolate?
Chocolatey broccoli or broccolied chocolate?
4. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet alien?
A prehistoric pal or an out-of-this-world companion?
5. Would you rather be able to talk to squirrels or jump 20 feet in the air?
Chat with the critters or soar like a superhero?
6. Would you rather have a nose that is constantly itchy or ears that are always ringing?
An annoying itch or a constant ringing?
7. Would you rather have a giant head and a tiny body or a tiny head and a giant body?
A giant head or a tiny one?
8. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater but not on land or in space but not on Earth?
Explore the great unknown!
9. Would you rather be able to control your dreams or never have to sleep again?
Be the master of sleep!
10. Would you rather be able to turn invisible only for one minute a day or fly only one foot off the ground?
A one-minute disappearing act or low-flying fun?
11. Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or permanent clown makeup?
How fun!
12. Would you rather have to wear a clown nose or a tutu everywhere you go?
A clownish twist or a prima ballerina look?
13. Would you rather be able to walk on water or turn into a dolphin?
A miraculous stroll or a graceful swim?
14. Would you rather be able to talk to animals, but they don’t understand you, or be able to talk to inanimate objects, and they talk back?
A one-sided conversation or a chat with the furniture?
15. Would you rather have a third eye or a third arm?
An extra organ is helpful, regardless!
16. Would you rather be a giant hamster or a tiny elephant?
A cuddly critter or a pint-sized pachyderm?
17. Would you rather have a pet hippopotamus or a pet giraffe?
Hey, as long as you have a big backyard!
18. Would you rather have a magic carpet or a talking broomstick?
A thrilling ride or an enchanted chat?
19. Would you rather have a personal assistant who is a robot or a unicorn?
A helpful machine or a mythical creature?
20. Would you rather have a never-ending supply of candy or a never-ending supply of pizza?
A sugar rush or a cheesy delight?
21. Would you rather be able to talk to plants or have super strength, but only when you’re wearing a tutu?
A chat with the flora or a tutu-clad superhero?
22. Would you rather be able to run fast but have to hop everywhere or be able to fly but only for five seconds at a time?
A speedy hopper or a short-lived aviator?
23. Would you rather be able to turn into any animal but only for five minutes at a time or be able to talk to your reflection in the mirror?
A magical transformation or a chat with your reflection?
24. Would you rather be able to teleport but only to places you’ve never been before or be able to time travel but only to the future?
Are you exploring the unknown or peeking into the future?
25. Would you rather have a house made entirely of candy or a house made entirely of pillows?
A sweet treat or a cozy cushion?
School-related “Would You Rather” questions for kids

Of course, a list of “Would You Rather” questions for kids wouldn’t be complete without school-related ones! Here are a few to get the conversation rolling.
1. Would you rather have your teacher turn into a tiger every time they get angry or have the entire school be filled with bubbles?
Now I’m excited!
2. Would you rather have to do a presentation on the first day of school or give a test on the last day?
A thrilling introduction or an exciting finale?
3. Would you rather have a teacher who only speaks in song lyrics or wears the same outfit every day?
A musical maestro or a sartorial stalwart?
4. Would you rather have an extra-long summer break or an extra-long winter break?
A sunny vacation or a wintry wonderland?
5. Would you rather have recess all day or never have recess again?
Never do anything on an empty stomach!
6. Would you rather wear a school uniform every day or a different costume every day?
A classic look or a creative wardrobe?
7. Would you rather be the first one done with your work every day or always be the last one done?
A speedy finisher or a slow but steady worker?
8. Would you rather have no homework or no tests?
Ah, that sounds like heaven!
9. Would you rather have a teacher who is strict but gives easy assignments or a really fun teacher who gives hard assignments?
A challenge with a reward or an easier task with more effort?
10. Would you rather have to sit in the front row or the back row every day?
A front-row seat or a back-row view?
11. Would you rather have a shorter school day that goes all year round or a longer school day that only goes for half the year?
A long summer or a short school year?
12. Would you rather have a cafeteria that serves only your favorite food or a cafeteria that serves a variety of foods but nothing you like?
A feast of your favorite or a buffet of surprises?
13. Would you rather have a locker that is always stuck or a locker that is always too small?
A stuck locker or a tight squeeze?
14. Would you rather have a school without any windows or a school without any doors?
A windowless wonderland or a doorless domain?
15. Would you rather have a teacher who talks too quietly or speaks too loudly?
A whisper or a roar?
16. Would you rather have to give a speech every day or never speak in class again?
A daily address or a silent scholar?
17. Would you rather have a math test every day or a spelling test every day?
A daily dose of digits or a regular run-through of words?
18. Would you rather have to write an essay or give a presentation daily?
Are you a wordsmith or an orator?
19. Would you rather have a locker next to your best friend or next to your crush?
A friendly presence or a special someone?
20. Would you rather have a teacher who is always strict or a teacher who is always fun but doesn’t teach you anything?
A strict but knowledgeable teacher or a fun but unhelpful one?
21. Would you rather have a lunch break that is 30 minutes long or 1 hour long?
A quick bite or a leisurely meal?
22. Would you rather have a classroom with no windows or no door?
Sounds suffocating!
23. Would you rather have recess before lunch or after lunch?
A pre-lunch perk or a post-meal pick-me-up?
24. Would you rather have a class pet that is a snake or a tarantula?
Any brave volunteers?
25. Would you rather have to wear a school uniform every day or be able to wear whatever you want, but everyone else wears the same thing as you?
A uniformed look or a fashionable sameness?
Exciting “Would You Rather” questions for kids

Want to get the little ones’ imaginations buzzing? Take a look at these exciting “Would You Rather” questions!
1. Would you rather have a big family with many siblings or a small one with no siblings?
A big crew or a tiny twosome?
2. Would you rather have many friends who don’t care about you or a few friends who always have your back?
A large party or a loyal few?
3. Would you rather live in a big city or a small town?
A bustling metropolis or a quiet village?
4. Would you rather travel to space or the bottom of the ocean?
A celestial adventure or an aquatic escapade?
5. Would you rather be the most intelligent person in your class or the kindest person in your class?
A brainiac or a buddy?
6. Would you rather be rich and famous or happy and content with what you have?
A life of luxury or a life of contentment?
7. Would you rather have many toys and gadgets or books and art supplies?
A tech-filled playroom or a creative library?
8. Would you rather be a famous actor or a famous scientist?
A star on the silver screen or a scientist in the spotlight?
9. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to turn invisible?
A high-flying hero or an invisible wonder?
10. Would you rather live in a world with no technology or no animals?
What a tough choice!
11. Would you rather have the power to time travel or the ability to read minds?
The power to explore the past or unlock secrets of the mind?
12. Would you rather live in a world with no wars or a world with no poverty?
An era of peace or a time of plenty?
13. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak every human language fluently?
A chat with creatures or mastery of many tongues?
14. Would you rather live in a treehouse or a castle?
A fort in the forest or a palace in the sky?
15. Would you rather have the power to heal people or the ability to teleport?
The gift of healing or the ability to travel instantly?
16. Would you rather be able to control the weather or be able to control your dreams?
Command of the elements or dominion over your slumber?
17. Would you rather be able to live forever or be able to time travel?
A life of eternity or a journey through time?
18. Would you rather have the power to make people happy or the ability to make people laugh?
The gift of good cheer or the power to bring laughter?
19. Would you rather be able to communicate with plants or be able to communicate with ghosts?
The language of flora or the tongue of spirits?
20. Would you rather live in a world with no music or no colors?
A silent symphony or a colorless canvas?
21. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be able to run super fast?
A deep sea excursion or a speedy sprint?
22. Would you rather go to the Moon or a deep-sea exploration mission?
A celestial expedition or an underwater voyage?
23. Would you rather be able to talk to ghosts or see into the future?
A conversation with the dead or a glimpse of tomorrow?
24. Would you rather live in a world where animals can talk, or humans can fly?
A world of speaking critters or a realm of soaring people?
25. Would you rather be able to make yourself invisible or be able to clone yourself?
What a tricky decision – invisibility or duplication?
Looking for more exciting “Would You Rather” questions to entertain your friends and family? Check out our list of the best and most unique “Would You Rather” questions that are sure to spark some interesting conversations and debates!